dilluns, 7 de juny del 2010


I’m Pau Moneo Roca, I’m 14 and I’m a student of the secondary school Guillem de Berguedà. I go to third of ESO and now, I’m going to talk you about our and my work in the english class this year. In this reflection I’m going to write about the COMENIUS ACTIVITIES and specially my blog on www.blogspot.com.
Although I’m not going to go to Sweden I’m going to explain my work on the blog and on the COMENIUS, because I enjoyed it a lot.
In the first part, the blog, that today is very busy because we have wrote there and paste all our class Comenius activities we did along all the year. We are hard-working alums and we have done a lot of work, we finished the activities and now, the blog is beautiful and great, I think an example for other students.
The first activities we did in Comenius were the Personal Presentation and our experience in the library. The personal Presentation was a redaction about our life and occupation, and we page it in the blog. In the library’s activity, a few Catalan’s and Swedish students told us the Swedish festivities, they explain their great Swedish city .... I liked the Swedish traditions and culture because some things were new for me.
In the next activity, the Christmas songs, we created a great lyrics for a Catalan’s or English traditional song and we enjoy that a lot. Then, we sang it in class. Other day, the Radio Programme became a difficult task because the computer programme was strange and not knew for me. The task I liked most was the favourite’s song activity because I search and I learnt some information I didn’t know after and I understand more the song because now I know the actors’ opinions, lyrics contexts .... and now I enjoy the song more when I listen it. The activities I did not like were the long compositions we have to did. I think it’s excessive and hard.
The class activity I remember that was funny and I liked is the reading of the Canterville’s ghost book. I enjoy this book because I think it’s interesant and clever.
In my oral activity, that I did not like it a lot, we used online resources like Wikipedia or other webs.... ,relevant resources like photos in the power-point... I think in my oral activity presentation I look a big part of the presentation to my audience although I read too from my notes. We didn’t organize our ideas in order of importance but we used markers like first, then ... that we helped us a lot to explain. A thing we did good was that we check and use the issue’s and our specialized and specific grammar in the presentation, it was a rich vocabulary from the dictionary. We have to take care the fillers and mainly the pronounce and the tone of the words. I think our mark should be around 7 points.
This year I have learnt a lot of English but specially, I have learnt a lot of rich vocabulary from the teacher and the book, and I will use it when I do a reading and a speaking, but I must take care of a lot of things in my English.
In conclusion, my English has improved this year because introduce a lot of vocabulary and grammar, and now it’s better. I think now I have a better English than after.