dijous, 2 de desembre del 2010


It was Saturday 6th of October’s night when the Pope arrived to Barcelona city in Catalonia. He came from Santiago of Compostela and he was very tired but excited for the next morning. On Sunday morning, a grey and a little rainy day, without a lot of Sun, he started his route which finished at Sagrada Familia’s monument. Benedict XVI’s car was going down the street and he was connecting with all the believers who were waiting him wearing normal clothes and with flags, suddenly he saw many people around the street’s barriers shouting and complaining very loud about Pope’s travel. These people carried some posters that offended and other objects to complain, like people kissing on the mouth… After a few minutes, policemen pushed them to other places. It was an embarrassing accident that didn’t surprise a lot of people but it really was remarkable because it changed, a little, the exceptional day. I could perceive that not everyone was excited for this event (the dedication of Gaudi’s monument). When the mass started, many religious people were in, in front of the Sagrada Família or in front of TV. The performance was really great for all the Catalans.

dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010

The bowhead whale

The bowhead whale is an endangered species and hunting this animal is prohibited by international law. Overfishing, especially in the nineteenth century drastically reduced the populations of whales. Since it was declared a protected species, their populations have increased a little, the rate of 3 % per year. Environmental factors such as climate change and water pollution now threaten this species. Human activities (from hunting practiced by indigenous people to feed themselves and preserve their traditions, to the farms offshore oil and gas), continue to pose challenges to the survival of these whales.

The bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) is a stocky dark-colored whale without a dorsal fin and it can grow to 20 meters in length. It lives entirely in fertile Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, unlike other whales that migrate to feed or reproduce. It is also known as Greenland right whale or Arctic whale. The bowhead is perhaps the longest-living mammal, and has the largest mouth of any animal.
The bowhead was an early whaling target. Its population was severely reduced before a 1966 moratorium. The population is estimated to be over 24,900 worldwide, down from an estimated 50,000 before whaling.
Its only predators are humans and the orca. On rare occasions, the bowheads are also attacked by sea lions.

So we can say that the bowhead whale is a peaceful and noble animal, with ferocious predators such as orca. But the most terrible enemy to the whale was the human being. Man has hunted disproportionately and often cruelly, has reduced the number of these individuals so far than the bowhead whale is in serious danger of extinction.

dilluns, 7 de juny del 2010


I’m Pau Moneo Roca, I’m 14 and I’m a student of the secondary school Guillem de Berguedà. I go to third of ESO and now, I’m going to talk you about our and my work in the english class this year. In this reflection I’m going to write about the COMENIUS ACTIVITIES and specially my blog on www.blogspot.com.
Although I’m not going to go to Sweden I’m going to explain my work on the blog and on the COMENIUS, because I enjoyed it a lot.
In the first part, the blog, that today is very busy because we have wrote there and paste all our class Comenius activities we did along all the year. We are hard-working alums and we have done a lot of work, we finished the activities and now, the blog is beautiful and great, I think an example for other students.
The first activities we did in Comenius were the Personal Presentation and our experience in the library. The personal Presentation was a redaction about our life and occupation, and we page it in the blog. In the library’s activity, a few Catalan’s and Swedish students told us the Swedish festivities, they explain their great Swedish city .... I liked the Swedish traditions and culture because some things were new for me.
In the next activity, the Christmas songs, we created a great lyrics for a Catalan’s or English traditional song and we enjoy that a lot. Then, we sang it in class. Other day, the Radio Programme became a difficult task because the computer programme was strange and not knew for me. The task I liked most was the favourite’s song activity because I search and I learnt some information I didn’t know after and I understand more the song because now I know the actors’ opinions, lyrics contexts .... and now I enjoy the song more when I listen it. The activities I did not like were the long compositions we have to did. I think it’s excessive and hard.
The class activity I remember that was funny and I liked is the reading of the Canterville’s ghost book. I enjoy this book because I think it’s interesant and clever.
In my oral activity, that I did not like it a lot, we used online resources like Wikipedia or other webs.... ,relevant resources like photos in the power-point... I think in my oral activity presentation I look a big part of the presentation to my audience although I read too from my notes. We didn’t organize our ideas in order of importance but we used markers like first, then ... that we helped us a lot to explain. A thing we did good was that we check and use the issue’s and our specialized and specific grammar in the presentation, it was a rich vocabulary from the dictionary. We have to take care the fillers and mainly the pronounce and the tone of the words. I think our mark should be around 7 points.
This year I have learnt a lot of English but specially, I have learnt a lot of rich vocabulary from the teacher and the book, and I will use it when I do a reading and a speaking, but I must take care of a lot of things in my English.
In conclusion, my English has improved this year because introduce a lot of vocabulary and grammar, and now it’s better. I think now I have a better English than after.

dijous, 29 d’abril del 2010


When I was five years old, in my chilhood, I spent an extraordinary summer holiday on a summer camp. The summer camp was full of friends and we enjoyed it a lot. One evening, when the sun was falling, a small group of boys and girls went to walk to the mountain and we wanted to go to a derelict house that was on the top of a hill. We walked for about an hour and we finally arrived at the house called “Ca l’Esclau” when the sun was setting. We stayed there for about another hour and we had dinner. Then, we started to talk about the camp and the people and then, a boy said something about the “house” where we were and everybody started to talk about the legend of the old house’s slave. The legend was very macabre and sad, I felt sad all the night and I started to be afraid. When the boy finished, all the children were afraid and we silently and sadly returned to the camp, now it was night.

dimarts, 6 d’abril del 2010

Opinion Text: Hey Jude

My favourite song is Hey Jude. There are more than one singer who sing the song; the artists are Paul Mc Cartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrisson. The group was called "The Beatles" and they sang in the Sixties. They are the most popular group of the Sixties. They are the most popular group of the Sixties. "The Beatles" were created in Liverpool, their native city. They first performed in Liverpool, at pubs and little theatres, but faster they went to London and the became very popular in the city, the country and all over the world, especially John Lennon and Paul Mc Cartney. I think their most famous song is "Help!" and not "Hey Jude" but all their songs are very popular. "Hey Jude" is about a man who wants to have the love of the girl called Jude. The boy tells him that she has to think about it. The group "The Beatles" doesn't exist today because John Lennon was murdered and George Harrisson died of cancer. But they are still very popular and Paul Mc Cartney still sings or he has been singing for a lot of years on his own and he has made a lot of money. "Hey Jude" is also a song who gives you a hope. I like this song because the melody is catchy an good and the lyrics are good found. It's important for me because when I was a child I listened to this song in the MP3 a lot of times and I like it very much. When I hear this song I fell happy to sing it but a little sad because the melody is a little sad I think. I listened and I like to listen this song when I am allone at home or when I travel on the MP3. I like the general message of the song because it's sad but at the same time it gives a hope. I only find a negative aspect in the song: it's too long (it lasts 7 minutes), and the coda lasts about four minutes and it's a little repetitive, I would like to change or cut a part of the coda. The videoclip is good and I like it but it's a little old fashioned, but I understand it. I think the videoclip is not connected to the lyrics at all because the lyrics are sad and the videoclip atmosphere is happy. In the videoclip we can see a lot of young people dancing arround the music group "The Beatles" who are playing the instruments and singing. Everybody looks good and happy. In conclusion, "Hey Jude" is a good song written by the most famous music group of the Sixties and the song has got a good melody and good lyrics, but the coda is too long. The song is emotive and melancolic with good details and harmony. It's an exciting and moving song.

divendres, 5 de març del 2010

COMPOSITION: What will be my life like in 20 years

In twenty years my appearance will be like the one a basketball player: very tall (1,90 m.), very thin and very strong. I will have a little beard and long curly brown hair, I will have a great physical appearance; I will be like Pau Gasol. My personality will be peaceful and happy, I will be a clever person and a good person and a good citizen. I will be friendly and easygoing as a result, I will have a lot of friends, although I will have few good friends.
I will be very rich; I will have a lot of big houses in North America and Europe, and I will enjoy that. I won’t have children but I will have a lot of beautiful girlfriends. My houses will have all the luxus: Jacuzzis, saunas, expensive furniture, a very big television...
I will be a famous basketball player, a basketball star, a God. I will be very rich because I will play in the most famous basketball league: the NBA. I will play in an important team and all the people in the world will know my name. I will win the All-Star and a lot of awards. My physical entrainment will be very, very hard; all the days I will have to train for a lot of hours with my basketball team and my trainer. I will score a lot of points in the match but my work will be very hard and tiring.
I will spend my little free time with golf, I will play golf on my holidays and videogames on the week. I will like golf and videogames very much. I will spend some free time going out with my friends.

dimecres, 17 de febrer del 2010



COOK TIME: 45 minutes


- 1 yoghurt
- Half of the yoghurt container of oil
- Half of the yoghurt container of anise
- 1 glass of sugar
- 1 glass of flour
- 3 eggs
- 1 packet of yeast
- Butter

1. We mix the yoghurt, the eggs, the oil, the anise, the sugar and the yeast.
2. We mix the ingredients in a bowl with a mixer.
3. When the ingredients are mixed, we rug the plate with butter and then we put a little flour in the butter.
4. We put the mixture in the plate and we put it in the oven for 30 minutes.